Birthday's are SUPER exciting
Calendar Time
Fun Centers
We LOVE it when we are "Mad Scientists"
Sorting dinosaurs (Fun)
Sorting Vegetables (Fun-er)
Painting with Vegetables (Fun-est!)
Sometimes we get crazy and even paint our FEET
Water Absorption
Silly "Tooty-Ta" Dance
Outside Play
Cooking Centers are always a Preschool Favorite!
Crazy Hair Day
Pajama Day
Teddy Bear Center
Read-A-Thon (dress as your favorite character)
Camping Day
We go on 2 Field Trips per preschool year
Halloween Party
Halloween Parade
Pin the Feather on the Turkey
Thanksgiving Feast
Christmas Chains
Christmas Performance
Accompanied by "Mr. Papa" (my cute Dad)
Valentines Day
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Feast
Preschool Graduation
I sure do LOVE these sweet kids!!
Miss Jenny